About The Human Experience DH Project

Humanists ask questions and challenge common assumptions. They engage with cultures, beliefs, values, and practices different from their own and, in doing so, they gain insights into humanity that transcend borders, language, and time. In this project, student-scholars will study the documentation of human experiences in the visual arts, music, literature, and historical record of a culture (or cultures) and produce a digital project that analyzes and visualizes the results of that close study.

The digital humanities project will describe and explain the values of a culture and illustrate the ways those values are represented in the arts and historical records. Digital humanities research requires students to engage in primary and secondary research. Primary research might include archival research, interview, or site visits. Secondary research might include environmental scans of existing digital content and literature reviews. Student-scholars will learn about media literacy and copyright and fair use rules. Teams will design a research question that their digital humanities project will answer.

  • The project must focus on at least one culture (local, national, or global) and examine the culture’s values through the lens of one or more critical intersections: · Creativity · Emotion · Ethics · Freedom · Identities · Memory
  • To report the team’s analyses, student-scholars will create a multimedia and multimodal project that includes source materials or evidence and a carefully crafted analytical response to the research question.

A digital humanities project consists of three parts:

1. Digital content or assets

2. Analysis or evaluation of content

3. A display of content.